.TH "Diffing.Define" 3 2025-01-20 OCamldoc "OCaml library" .SH NAME Diffing.Define \- Define(Defs) creates the diffing types from the types defined in Defs and the functors that need to be instantatied with the diffing algorithm parameters .SH Module Module Diffing.Define .SH Documentation .sp Module .BI "Define" : .B (D : Defs) -> sig end .sp .ft B Define(Defs) .ft R creates the diffing types from the types defined in .ft B Defs .ft R and the functors that need to be instantatied with the diffing algorithm parameters .sp .B "Parameters:" .sp "D" .B Diffing.Defs .sp .sp .I type change = .B (D.left, D.right, D.eq, D.diff) Diffing.change .sp The type of potential changes on a list\&. .sp .I type patch = .B change list .sp A patch is an ordered list of changes\&. .sp .I module type Parameters = .B sig end .sp .sp .I module type S = .B sig end .sp .sp .I module Simple : .B sig end -> S .sp .sp .I module Left_variadic : .B sig end -> S .sp .SS Variadic diffing .sp Variadic diffing allows to expand the lists being diffed during diffing\&. in one specific direction\&. .sp .I module Right_variadic : .B sig end -> S .sp .sp