CURLOPT_MIMEPOST(3) Library Functions Manual CURLOPT_MIMEPOST(3) NAME CURLOPT_MIMEPOST - send data from mime structure SYNOPSIS #include curl_mime *mime; CURLcode curl_easy_setopt(CURL *handle, CURLOPT_MIMEPOST, mime); DESCRIPTION Pass a mime handle previously obtained from curl_mime_init(3). This setting is supported by the HTTP protocol to post forms and by the SMTP and IMAP protocols to provide the email data to send/upload. This option is the preferred way of posting an HTTP form, replacing and extending the CURLOPT_HTTPPOST(3) option. When setting CURLOPT_MIMEPOST(3) to NULL, libcurl resets the request type for HTTP to the default to disable the POST. Typically that would mean it is reset to GET. Instead you should set a desired request method explicitly. PROTOCOLS HTTP, IMAP and SMTP EXAMPLE int main(void) { CURL *curl = curl_easy_init(); if(curl) { curl_mime *multipart = curl_mime_init(curl); if(multipart) { curl_mimepart *part = curl_mime_addpart(multipart); curl_mime_name(part, "name"); curl_mime_data(part, "daniel", CURL_ZERO_TERMINATED); part = curl_mime_addpart(multipart); curl_mime_name(part, "project"); curl_mime_data(part, "curl", CURL_ZERO_TERMINATED); part = curl_mime_addpart(multipart); curl_mime_name(part, "logotype-image"); curl_mime_filedata(part, "curl.png"); /* Set the form info */ curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_MIMEPOST, multipart); curl_easy_perform(curl); /* post away! */ curl_mime_free(multipart); /* free the post data */ } } } AVAILABILITY Added in 7.56.0 RETURN VALUE This returns CURLE_OK. SEE ALSO CURLOPT_HTTPPOST(3), CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS(3), CURLOPT_PUT(3), curl_mime_init(3) libcurl April 26 2024 CURLOPT_MIMEPOST(3)