CURLINFO_PRIMARY_PORT - get the latest destination port number

#include <curl/curl.h>
CURLcode curl_easy_getinfo(CURL *handle, CURLINFO_PRIMARY_PORT, long *portp);

Pass a pointer to a long to receive the destination port of the most recent connection done with this curl handle.

This is the destination port of the actual TCP or UDP connection libcurl used. If a proxy was used for the most recent transfer, this is the port number of the proxy, if no proxy was used it is the port number of the most recently accessed URL.

This functionality affects all supported protocols

int main(void)
  CURL *curl = curl_easy_init();
  if(curl) {
    CURLcode res;
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "");
    res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
    if(res == CURLE_OK) {
      long port;
      res = curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_PRIMARY_PORT, &port);
        printf("Connected to remote port: %ld\n", port);

Added in curl 7.21.0

curl_easy_getinfo(3) returns a CURLcode indicating success or error.

CURLE_OK (0) means everything was OK, non-zero means an error occurred, see libcurl-errors(3).

CURLINFO_LOCAL_PORT(3), CURLINFO_PRIMARY_IP(3), curl_easy_getinfo(3), curl_easy_setopt(3)

2025-02-05 libcurl